Leaflet distribution Ealing and Hanwell W5 W7 W13
Leaflet distribution Ealing Hanwell W5 W7 W13 is one of our top areas, where we distribute on a regular basis for our clients. Over the past 9 years, our experienced leaflet distributors accumulated huge amount of experience in distributing our clients’ leaflets in Ealing (W5/W13) and Hanwell (W7) postcodes.
Top Landmarks:
Ealing: Ealing is best known for its film Ealing Studios , which are one of the oldest in the world and are known especially for the Ealing comedies.
Hanwell: St. Mary’s Church is the original ancient parish church. St Thomas’s is a Grade II* listed building.
Ealing (W5/W13) postcodes consists of Ealing, South Ealing, Ealing Common, North Ealing, Northfields, (south and east), Pitshanger, Hanger Lane, West Ealing, Northfields (north and west).
Ealing (W5/W13) contains approx. 35117 households with a population of about 85,014 (according to 2011 census).
Postcodes |
Households |
Demographics |
W5 1 |
4132 |
High-income |
W5 2 |
4420 |
Middle-income |
W5 3 |
4657 |
Middle- to high-income |
W5 4 |
5775 |
Middle-income |
W5 5 |
2429 |
Middle- to high-income |
W13 0 |
4456 |
High-income |
W13 8 |
3222 |
Middle-income |
W13 9 |
6026 |
Low- to middle-income |
Total |
35117 |
Hanwell (W13) postcodes consists of Hanwell, Boston Manor (part).
Hanwell (W7) contains approx. 11478 households with a population of about 28,768 (according to 2011 census).
Postcodes |
Households |
Demographics |
W7 1 |
4089 |
Low- to middle-income |
W7 2 |
3068 |
High-income |
W7 3 |
4321 |
Middle-income |
Total |
11478 |
Ethnicities: White British (26.9%), Other White (17.1%), Indian (13.8%) and Other Asian (11.0%).
GATE Leaflet Distribution is one of the most experienced companies for leaflet distribution Ealing and Hanwell (W5 – W7 – W13) postcodes. We will distribute all your leaflets in Ealing and Hanwell postcodes to the highest standard possible. We have the great local knowledge, what has been accumulated over the continuous distribution in Ealing and Hanwell.
If you have any questions or you would like to get a quote for leaflet distribution W5 W7 W13 Ealing Hanwell, then email us at sales@gateleafletdistribution.co.uk or call us on 02089026388. Book your next campaign with GATE today.
Let us be the GATE to your customers!
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